Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year 2010!

For next year postings, welcome to our new blog:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Migratory Birds

If you are in the forests, listen carefully as it might be filled with myriad voices of migratory birds that's just arrived, together with the chorus of resident birds. Bird migrations generally occur between October and March. Migratory birds come from as far away as North and Central Asia. Most birds fly in groups and flocks of migrating shorebirds can be seen along the coast. Welcome to Singapore, hope you'll have a wonderful time here!

Honours Day Celebrations

On 20th of Nov, we celebrated our Honours Day with variety of programmes arranged. Our GEC club set up an exhibition booth in the canteen for the guests. This time, the theme was focused more on the application of nature in our lifestyle.

We had tea appreciation section with tea sampling using the stevia leaves. This kind of leaves had a natural sweetness with mild fragrant aroma. It is commonly used as a substitute for sugar, and is known for treating obesity and high blood pressure.

We also demonstrated and displayed exhibits of flower arrangement done by our members, under the guidance of our dear Ms Chin. Some of the exhibits were purchased in advance by our teachers. Thank you very much, teachers, for your kind support!

We had an enjoyable time in preparing, demonstrating and interacting with the guests on that day. It was indeed memorable.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

World Kindness Day on 13 November

(Click on the picture to read the message)

Singapore will be celebrating World Kindness Day on 13 November, and Yellow Gerbera Daisy will be given away to show appreciation to an everyday kind person.

Celebrate everyday kindness on 13 November as Singapore joins countries such as Japan, Canada, Australia, United Arab Emirates, and Nigeria in celebrating the World Kindness Day.

In Singapore, the focus for this year is on "showing appreciation to kind people and acts of kindness". The Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) is adopting the yellow gerbera daisy as the flower to represent kindness. SKM is encouraging everybody to give a daisy to an everyday kind person around us and will be distributing 45,000 yellow gerbera daisies at numerous locations across the island on Friday, 13 November 2009, while stocks last.

The gerbera daisy is the fifth most popular flower in the world after roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and tulips.

Daisy symbolises Random Acts of Kindness

If you wonder why the daisy was chosen as the symbol for the random acts of kindness, here's the explanations:
1)Daisies open every morning to the sunrise, just when the random acts of kindness begin.
2)Daisies are simple and beautiful, just as random acts of kindness.
3)Daisies are found everywhere, just like grass, kindness is everywhere like daisies and grass- just look within yourself.
4)Daisies come in different colours and sizes, random acts of kindness do too- they are only limited by your imagination.
5)Daisies can be made into daisy chains. random acts of kindness can be done one after another in chains- each person passes the kindness forward.
6)Daisies have given us pleasant memories playing in a field of daisies as children,random acts of kindness leave pleasant memories that people remember.
7)Daisies have healing properties, just like kindness heals.

Thus, the humble daisy was chosen to represent random acts of kindness.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Recycled Bottles

The members continued to collect recycled bottles, and they were used for making products such as flowers and pencil holders. The members painted the products with different colours.We are sure these nature products will be put in good use in the future.

Friday, September 25, 2009

No Car Day

In 2007, China launched the Green Transport and Health week campaign. The campaign ends with a No Car Day Saturday.

This Chinese national urban transport campaign was launched by the Ministry of Construction. During the week of September 22 walking, biking, public transportation, and carpooling are encouraged. On No Car Day they will have special 'green zones' in hundreds of cities. These normally vehicle congested areas will be open only to pedestrians, bicycles, and buses from 7am to 7pm.

This campaign is planned to be an annual event. It is estimated that the 2007 campaign saved 33 million liters of gasoline and cut emissions by 3,000 tons