Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pupils' Works of Nature

It was indeed a surprize, and heartwarming too, to see our pupils producing their own works of nature, growing plants in recycled bottles, self-made terrariums, personal journals and writings. Keep it up!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gardening & Community Involvement

Our club members started the year with hands-on session on growing plants. The pupils filled the recycled bottles with soil and fertilizers, followed by transplanting of varied seedlings including the Japanese Rose. Each of them brought home for monitoring and journal writing. In short, the pupils began to play the role of “farmers”!

Our club set up a small-scale garden for the elderly at the Sunnyville Nursing Home last December, 2008. The garden is just outside the residents' ward, and the elderly can have a look at the plants while having their teabreak at the shelter.