Friday, July 31, 2009

Activity in Flower Patterns

Today, Mdm Masnah teach the members about flower patterns. They have come across many flowers since they joined the club, they will have to choose one flower as their design and draw it in one square. Then, they will repeat the design in other squares.

Friday, July 24, 2009

50th Anniversary for TWPS

We celebrated our school's 50th anniversary on 18th of July! Our club had set up an exhibition booth in the canteen for the guests on that day. It had a natural setting with exhibits covering the areas of our club's activities and the programmes or projects that we have participated so far, which included the following:
1)The gardeninng kit
2)The spices and herbs from our garden
3)Nature journals and works
4)Community in Bloom programme: bookmarks, plant pockets,etc
5)Recycling programme: the use of recycled bottles as flower pots, terranium, etc
6)Green Wave project