Friday, March 27, 2009

Visit to Hay Dairies & Spring Orchard

The GEC & Science Club members, together with 4 teachers and 2 PSG members, went to the Spring Orchard and Hay Dairies Goat Farm at Lim Chu Kang on the 19th of March. It was an interesting and educational excursion! We learnt alot on goatfarming and different species of fruit trees and vegetables.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Start blogging!

We started to set up our own nature blogs. The members were encouraged to put up their journal writings,artwork & nature pics in their blogs for sharing.The next blogging session will be on 3/4(Fri)@430pm. Members who had problems setting up accounts pls proceed earlier to Lab 1 @330-430pm, our TA Mr Jason will be there to give assistance.