Friday, March 27, 2009

Visit to Hay Dairies & Spring Orchard

The GEC & Science Club members, together with 4 teachers and 2 PSG members, went to the Spring Orchard and Hay Dairies Goat Farm at Lim Chu Kang on the 19th of March. It was an interesting and educational excursion! We learnt alot on goatfarming and different species of fruit trees and vegetables.


  1. Masnah12/6/09

    Club members, we had much fun on our trip!!! We learnt a lot about the goat from the Hay Dairies Farm. Some of you like to drink the goat milk some don't. I like the chocolate goat milk. Its YUMMY!!!

    Hmm... dragon fruit is from cactus! You believe it? I still can't believe it!

    Mdm Masnah

  2. The trip to Hay Daries Goat Farm and the Spring Orchard was fun.I ordered 2 bottles GOAT MILK.The plants at the Spring Orchard was beautiful. I am looking forward for our next trip.
