Friday, September 18, 2009

7th Inter-School Creative Floral Art Competition 2009

Our members, Zheng Yating of 5Trust and Lim Shu Xuan of 5Care represented TWPS in the 7th Inter-School Creative Floral Art Competition 2009 at the Great World City Atrium, organised by Nanyang Primary School on the 11th of September. Both members received certificates of participation, and Yating also received a merit prize! The works were on display at the Atrium for 3 days.

Our heartfelt appreciation to our trainer, Ms Chin(our own Teck Whye Teacher), who willingly agreed to train our members for the competition. Ms Chin had carried out several training sessions for our members who had either very little or no knowledge of flower arrangement. The members learnt speedingly under her guidance. We also like to show appreciation to our teachers in charge, Mdm Masnah, Ms Ong and Ms Yip for time and effort spent in the preparations, and Mrs Raju for lending us her colourful rice powder. Last but not least, a great hooray for Yating and Shuxuan for their well-done performance. We will continue to provide more opportunities for our members to showcase their talents and capabilities.

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