Sunday, May 3, 2009

Green Wave Day 2009

What is Green Wave Day?
It is a day when countries all over the world adopt a tree and will take care of their tree of choice. Every country will water their tree at 10.00 am on 22 May 2009. It is to create awareness and highlight the importance of trees to the world.

Green Wave Day website:

Our school will be taking part in Green Wave Day on 22 May 2009 organized by the NPark. Our Title is "Tree's to Share (Head, Heart, Hands)", and our school has chosen Cermai plant to be grown in our school compound. This tree is not commonly seen by the kids. Our pupils will be involved in the complete growth of the plant, as well as in the processing of the fruits into food such as pickles.

It’s also a 'Tree's to Share' (Head, Heart, and Hands) with other children. We will use our mind to come up with ideas to look after the tree, promote the benefits of the tree and what to do with the harvest etc, our heart to love and care for the tree , and we use our hands to water, weed and fertilise the tree.

TWPS's participation in the Green Wave:

1 comment:

  1. The tree soubds wonderful and it is very importent.I hope it grows well.
