Sunday, May 3, 2009

Preparation for Green Wave Day


  1. Anonymous12/6/09

    Keep it up gardeners!!! You had done good work as a team to make the Green Wave Day Activity a success. We are very proud of you!!!

    Mdm Masnah
    Ms Ong
    Ms Yip

  2. ong lay cheng12/6/09

    On 5th June 2009, Friday, some members of the GEC got together to tidy and trim the plants in the mini-garden outside 6 Share classroom.

    We enjoyed working together to keep the plants healthy and strong.

  3. I was so happy becues it is green wave day it it is fun.

  4. The preparation for the Greenwave Day is the best preparation because we have to do a lot of work it is tiring but fun.
