Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In Celebration of Green Wave Day (22/5)

Activities of the day:-

Slides presentation by the Gardening & Environmmental Club on:-
1) Green Wave Day & 2) How To Save Earth

3 groups of the teachers and pupils were at our garden to witness the watering of the Cermai Plant.

Guest-of-Honour: Mr Ali (our school gardener) watered the plant, assisted by Mdm Ng (Our Principal) & Mdm Rahima (Our Vice-Principal)

After 10am:
Classroom Activity: Form Teachers and Mother Tongue teachers did 1 class journal or other form of work based on their experience of germinating the seeds in the classrooms.

After school:
Collection of classroom pots. Classes that successfully growed the seeds will be awarded 'We are Green Wave Activits Certificate'.


  1. lee soon yang12/6/09

    wow!I can't believe that the principal,vice-principal and the school gardener were there but I am not there.And,all the teacher had wrote a class journal and i wish i can saw what they wrote.And last of all,we have collect all the the classpot!!!

  2. masnah12/6/09

    We were very excited for the Green Wave Day. Our tree is 2.5 meter tall. It has little leaves. In the morning, we had sllide presentation on how to save the Earth / GAIA. I hope our TWPS children will use the tips on how to save EARTH.

    TWPS will go GREEN progressively...

    Mdm Masnah

  3. The assembly was great and I know how to save water now.
